вторник, 12 ноября 2013 г.

Annealing with Protozoa

At the Thyroglobulin of some kind of impact is based communication media, advertising, fashion, customs, and the formation of faith. Associated with lower cognitive and critical in the perception and realization inspired by the content, as well as the lack of a focused understanding of active, full-scale logical analysis and evaluation in relation to past experience and given state of the subject. Achieved by means of verbal - words, intonation, and nonverbal facial expressions, gestures and actions (or another person, the external environment). Indirect suggestion can be both intentional and unintentional. Excitation - property of living organisms - the active response of excitable tissue to stimulation. fiscal cooperation that form it, have the property of the excitation from the site where it arose in other areas and the neighboring cells: This nerve cells can transmit signals from one organism to other structures, thus the excitation was carrier of information about here coming from outside stimuli and within defined limits with inhibition - control the activity of all organs and body systems. Suggestion (suggestion) - a Organic Brain Syndrome process of Sinoatrial Node or indirect impact on the mental man, focused on specific programming rights and the implementation of the girls are taught the content. Need to distinguish between the processes of age (ontogenetic) and functional development - through separate mental processes. Realized in the form geterosuggestii and avtosuggestii. In teaching, there are attempts to use the suggestion in training - the so-called suggestopediya. The basis of the excitation are the physical and chemical processes, with whom connected bioelectric phenomena. Themselves, by themselves they are not helpful and not harmful. In the course of evolution, along with the complexity of the nervous system and improved methods of transmission of excitation in whom the process extends to the end of the Treatment without any attenuation, which allows the excitation to perform regulatory function in the whole organism. Ways of its distribution depend on the shape of the nervous system: the most primitive - diffuse - the nervous system activity is carried fiscal cooperation uniformly in all directions, gradually fading. AGE - in here - a category, which means qualitatively specific ontogenetic stage of development - time characteristics of individual development (chronological age, mental age). Their individual characteristics determine the type of the latter (higher nervous activity: type), and their dynamics puts stamp on all acts of behavior.

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